May CERT Meeting
The next general CERT meeting and training will be May 23, 2018 at the Chatham County Emergency Operations Center (297 West St, Pittsboro NC 27312). The meeting will begin at 6:30 PM (18:30) and we will conclude by 8:30 PM (20:30).
The agenda includes an update on CERT start-up activities followed by a class on Chatham County emergency management pre-, during- and post-incidents, and the functioning of the EOC.
Anyone interested in CERT should attend, whether or not you have previously attended any meetings or classes. There is no cost and no obligation for further participation.
CERT Classes
The next CERT basic class will be Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday June 15, 16, and 17 at the Chatham County Ag and Convention Center, Pittsboro NC. Register at to reserve your space. Our first class was completely full – some pictures are here!
Save The Date
Upcoming CERT meeting and training sessions will be the fourth Wednesday of each month. The next three dates are June 27, July 25, and August 22. Hurricane season begins on the first of June, so we will focus on areas important to Chatham County during severe weather, such as Shelter Operations, SkyWarn training, hurricane actions and preparedness kits and supplies.
Important Links
Chatham County Emergency Management
Alert Chatham alert system
FEMA On-Line Courses
SkyWarn information and sign-up
Ham Radio Information
Basic Family Emergency Kit