A BIG THANKS to the twelve CERT and AuxComm members who participated in the Chatham County Firefighter Exercise on August 17th.
From the Chatham County Fire Chief:
“I wanted to pass on a huge Thanks to each of you and your personnel. Today will go down as a milestone in Chatham County Emergency Services. We have never completed a county wide water shuttle for Office of State Fire Marshal. I know all of you were hot and tired when finished. We could not have pulled today off without your participation. The were 115 personnel on the training roster and 150 personnel fed, so a few missed the roster. No injuries, no damaged equipment, and all of your tremendous willingness to help. This is saying alot, we were filling appratus at 1250 gallons a minute, moved over 418000 gallons of water in 3 1/2 hours, with 43 tankers. All of you were key players.
Please pass on to your staff and CERT for the help and making today a success.